NFT Statement from the Makers of Destiny 2

Max Nichols, one of the creative team of the shooter game Destiny 2 developed by the game company Bungie, made a statement about whether the NFT winning feature will come to the game.
 NFT Statement from the Makers of Destiny 2
READING NOW NFT Statement from the Makers of Destiny 2

NFTs, which are also described as the digital counterparts of real-world valuable assets, appear in every field from art to games. We started encountering NFTs in many video games. But it looks like Destiny 2 won’t be one of those games.

Max Nixhols, Technology Designer of Destiny 2, the free-to-play online first-person shooter game developed by Bungie, detailed his thoughts on his Twitter account that led him to be anti-NFT.

“NFTs are bad for games”

Nixhols, with his Twitter posts, pointed out some key points about why NFTs game design doesn’t work. “NFTs are detrimental to games. We already know that they are environmentally destructive, that they take wealth away from bad actors, and are often fraudulent or worse. But I’m a game designer and I believe they fundamentally damage the player experience.” He explained his thoughts on the subject with the series.

According to Nixholos, “unique” items are unique because the game already has systems to make them unique. These systems do not come with NFTs, they are usually provided by random generators. The “Play to Win” model that comes with NFT is actually already included in their games and the same system has been maintained for years. Therefore, there will be no such thing as winning NFT in Destiny 2.

In addition, another issue that designer Max Nixhols touched on was that the idea of ​​play to win prevents players from enjoying it. “Research shows that if someone is intrinsically enjoying an activity and you are offering extrinsic motivation (reward) for it, it will reduce their intrinsic pleasure,” says Nixhols. ” said. In other words, if someone is paying you to do something you enjoy, you’re likely to start enjoying it less.

Judging by the explanations, Destiny 2 will never have the ability to win NFT. However, in these days when our world is rapidly digitalizing, it is not possible to say anything clearly, one day we may suddenly encounter NFTs in Destiny 2.

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