Iranian Hackers Claimed Cyber ​​Attack on Israel

The hacker group Black Shadow, which has links to Iran, claimed responsibility for the cyber attack on Israeli state institutions yesterday evening.
 Iranian Hackers Claimed Cyber ​​Attack on Israel
READING NOW Iranian Hackers Claimed Cyber ​​Attack on Israel

It was announced that many websites such as the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Social Relations collapsed as a result of the attack on some official websites of the Israeli government yesterday evening.

While the echoes of this attack, which is the biggest cyber attack on Israel, still continue today, the source of this cyber attack has emerged.

An Iranian hacker group claimed responsibility for the attack

According to the news of IRNA, the official news agency of Iran, the cyber attack on Israel is known to have links with Iran. The hacker group Black Shadow took charge. Black Shadow, whose name has always been associated with cyber attacks against Israel, has attacked the Israeli government many times before.

The group, which first made its name with the attack on the Israeli insurance company Shirbit on December 6, 2020, hacked the hosting company Cyberverse on November 6, 2021. Later, he hacked Atraf, the social media platform used by gays in Israel, to obtain the identity information of the users and demanded a ransom.

Iranian state television also announced that Israel attempted to sabotage the uranium enrichment facility in Fordo at the same time as the cyber attack yesterday, and that these attackers were detained. Many people think that after this sabotage attempt, Black Shadow attacked with the aim of revenge.

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