Headphones Combining Air Purification and Music from Dyson!

Dyson, which is famous for its air purification technologies, introduced Zone, an extraordinary headset that combines both this technology and the headset. Zone basically features a miniature version of Dyson's air purification technology and a high-end headset.
 Headphones Combining Air Purification and Music from Dyson!
READING NOW Headphones Combining Air Purification and Music from Dyson!

Attracting attention with its household products that look like they come from the future, Dyson managed to make its name known to the whole world, especially with its air cleaners. Today, the company has introduced a new and very different product that will now take air purifiers out of homes. This product combines Dyson’s air purification technology and a high-end headset.

The new Bluetooth on-ear headphones called Dyson Zone include a magnetic face viewfinder as well as an on-ear headset with a Dyson language design. This extraordinary air-purifying headset, which looks like a motor helmet with a section cut off, aims to offer high comfort in urban life by blocking both air and sound noise.

The air taken from the ears is transferred to the nose in a clean way:

The visor on the earpiece, which carries the air cleaner technology, actually does not include a revolutionary new technology of Dyson. Instead, the visor is a miniature version of the company’s current air purification technology. The air purification process, on the other hand, covers the entire headset, not just the visor.

The right and left parts of the Zone earphones draw air in with the small compressors they contain. This air is then transmitted to the visor section of the headset and cleaned. From the middle of the visor, that is, from the part that corresponds to the human nose, the cleaned air is transferred to the person. During this whole process, the air is presented to the person free of large particles and particles. How much air is given to the person is automatically changed depending on the person’s current activity.

On the other hand, those who want to use the headset only as a headset can easily remove the visor when they want, thanks to the magnetic connection of the visor to the headset. However, the visor can also be lowered under the mouth section. In this way, the person can easily talk to the other person. According to Dyson’s statement, the filter can remove 99% of airborne particles.

There is no special technology in the headphone:

The headphone side does not include any special technology. The headphones have three different active noise canceling modes. The ‘transparency’ mode can also be selected so that sounds like car horns can be heard while the chat mode is automatically activated when the viewfinder is lowered. The third mode aims to isolate the person completely. In addition, the headset can be controlled via the Dyson Link app. The application also provides information about air quality.

Dyson has yet to share technical details such as how heavy the headset is or how many hours of use its battery offers. However, the price of the headset is not yet known.

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