Facebook is competing with Discord!

With Community Chats, users will be able to engage with their communities around topics of interest on both Facebook and Messenger.
 Facebook is competing with Discord!
READING NOW Facebook is competing with Discord!

Mark Zuckerberg announced that Meta has begun testing Community Chats for Facebook Groups within Messenger. In other words, Facebook is preparing to rival applications such as Discord. Thus, it will be possible to create mass chat rooms in Messenger.

Facebook takes a new step with Community Chats

Communication applications, which have become popular especially during the pandemic period, continue to develop. Facebook could not remain indifferent to this situation and brings the chat rooms feature to Messenger. With Community Chats, users will be able to connect with their communities in real time via text, audio and video around topics of interest on both Facebook and Messenger.

Meta thus states that Messenger and Facebook Groups will blend seamlessly. The creator of the Community Chat will be able to categorize the topics so that group members can log in to the options available to them and exchange information.

As an admin you will be able to start an event chat for group members chat, outing or meeting around a specific topic. In addition, audio channels can be created on the application. After the participants enter the audio channel, they will also have the chance to make a video call.

Only group members will have access to Community Chats, as has been largely stated so far. Facebook will also use various auditing tools to prevent abuses. The company is very hopeful about Community Chats.

With its new feature, Meta also wants to assert its claim on collective chat rooms. Let’s see if the new feature will be as successful as Discord. So what do you think of Facebook’s new Community Chats feature? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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