COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Affect Fertility

A new study has been published on the claims of "infertile" circulating on social media about COVID vaccines. Experts announced that they have once again revealed that COVID vaccines do not affect fertility.
 COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Affect Fertility
READING NOW COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Affect Fertility

COVID-19 pandemic has been in our lives for nearly two years. Developed vaccines are also described as the most important weapon against this disease. The rapid increase in cases due to the Omicron variant that has emerged recently reveals the importance of vaccines once again. However, many claims about vaccines are also circulating.

One of them is the claims that COVID-19 vaccines affect fertility. This claim, which is often circulated on social media, is that vaccines trigger the immune system of the placenta; states that as a result, infertility may occur. Although it has been stated by experts that this claim is false many times, it is possible to say that some people still continue to believe this situation. Now, a new study that has just been published has once again revealed that vaccines do not affect fertility.

“The results are ‘relaxing’”

The study, published this week in the American Journal of Epidemiology, analyzed more than 2,000 couples. As a result of the examinations, it was observed that there was no change in the fertility of the vaccinated people. In addition, it was reported that both men who were vaccinated and women who were vaccinated were examined in the studies, and no difference was observed in the results regardless of the dose of the vaccine.

One of the researchers, Dr. Stacy Tessler Lindau also said in her statements, “It’s great to see that the COVID vaccines have no effect on getting pregnant.” Lindau added that this research could be “reassuring” for people trying to get pregnant.

Another previous study showed that COVID vaccines can cause minor changes in women’s menstrual cycles. However, the experts in this study emphasized that the effect is not long-term and there is no need for concern. From the University of Illinois in the USA, Dr. In his statements about this, Jay Bhatt stated that the effect of the vaccine on menstruation is not much different from the effects caused by stress, and that even the stress and anxiety caused by the pandemic affect the cycles more.

COVID-19 affects male fertility

In addition, research published this week revealed interesting data on male fertility. As a result of the examinations, it was reported that a small decrease was observed in the fertility rate of men who caught COVID-19.

According to experts, in the study, it was observed that the probability of pregnancy in couples with men who tested positive for COVID-19 decreased by 18%. Emphasizing that vaccines have no effect on fertility, the researchers once again drew attention to the importance of being vaccinated.

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