Confusing statement from Elon Musk: We are all half robots!

Elon Musk claimed that humans are cyborgs. The development of machines has created digital versions of humans.
 Confusing statement from Elon Musk: We are all half robots!
READING NOW Confusing statement from Elon Musk: We are all half robots!

Elon Musk, who did not fall off the agenda with his crazy statements, now claimed that people are cyborgs (semi-robots). In a statement on Twitter, Musk said that with the development of technology, machines and humans are intertwined. These statements of the famous billionaire aroused wide repercussions on social media.

Elon Musk thinks people are cyborging

Venture capitalist Mark Anderson recently discussed the impact of artificial intelligence on the world. A Twitter user reported that he wanted to learn “how much artificial intelligence people have become”. Thereupon, the response from Elon Musk was not delayed.

According to Musk, the next stage of human evolution involves merging with digital intelligence. The way we interact with technology will integrate digital intelligence into our lives. That’s why Musk thinks humans have become cyborgs.

Musk tweeted, “We are already cyborgs. Our memory is overwhelmingly built into computers. It remembers everything very precisely down to the pixel.”

The term “cyborg” represents a cybernetic organism that combines biological and artificial components. Accordingly, Musk argues that many data such as email and social media platforms create our “digital version”.

It should not be forgotten that Musk has always made striking statements. A while ago, Apple criticized the Vision Pro. He expressed his opinion on Vision Pro with a humorous photo. The photo shows the Apple glasses costing $3499, while the hallucinogenic mushrooms are on sale for just $20.

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