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What is Spiritualism, What Does It Believe, Who Are Its Representatives?

Although spiritualism, which believes in the existence of the soul and consists of many schools, is sometimes a philosophy that is gathered under the roof of different religious groups, it can also touch on extraordinary metaphysical issues from time to time. Let's examine in all details the questions that are curious about what spiritualism is, what it believes in, and who its representatives are.
 What is Spiritualism, What Does It Believe, Who Are Its Representatives?
READING NOW What is Spiritualism, What Does It Believe, Who Are Its Representatives?

Have you ever thought that the world we live in is actually much more than meets the eye, that there is something beyond matter? If you have done some research by asking such questions, you must have met the concept of spiritualism. Because spiritualism, although it has many details, basically believes that beyond the world we know, there is more than matter, that is, there is a soul in the broad sense.

Spiritualism is a philosophy. However, since this philosophical view is compatible with the understanding of monotheistic religions from time to time, it can sometimes be more than a philosophy, the thought on which a religious group is based. It is even known that some groups specialize in certain subjects such as conjuring and communicating with them. Let’s examine in all details the questions that are curious about what spiritualism is, what it believes in, and who its representatives are.

What is our spirituality, what does it believe, who are its representatives?

What is spiritualism?
What does spiritualism believe in?
Who is the founder of spiritualism?
Spiritualism’s belief and thought structure
Seven essential features of spiritualism
Who are the representatives of spiritualism?
Is it possible to summon spirits with spiritualism?

What is spiritualism?

Spiritualism, also known as otherworldlyism, spiritism, spiritualism, is a philosophical view that believes in the existence of the soul. It is derived from the Latin word spiritus, meaning soul. There are many religious, mystical, philosophical groups and communities based on spiritualism, which are divided into many different ideas over the belief in the existence of the soul. Among them, there are also psychics who conduct séances.

What does spiritualism believe in?

Even though the schools and groups gathered under the name of spiritualism have many different thoughts and actions on metaphysical issues, they all have one common point, which is the belief in the soul. What spiritualists call the soul is a spiritual element beyond the known material world.

There are also groups that are spiritualists but also believe in monotheistic religions such as Islam and Christianity. Contrary to popular belief, these groups, most of whom are Christians, do not believe in reincarnation, that is, the soul will come to the world again and again. There are also believers. Some spiritualist groups have completely turned their backs on materialism and devoted themselves to spirituality. But such groups are radicals.

Who is the founder of spiritualism?

  • Allan Kardec

Things get a little confusing when the question of who is the founder of spiritualism is asked, because spiritualism is a very broad idea, and its history goes back a long way. When we go down to the foundation of spiritualism, we come across many important philosophers such as Plato and Pythagoras who lived in ancient times. So belief in the soul is a very old idea. Even if it has not been systematically since these times, this idea has appeared in many places.

When the United States of America sources are examined, we encounter the birth date of spiritualism on March 31, 1848. On this date, an Ouija session was held at the home of Margaret and Kate Fox in the Hydesville area of ​​New York, USA, and the spirit of a recently killed peddler was contacted. After this period, mediums such as Paschal Beverly Randolph and Cora Scott became quite famous on the continent.

When we examine the western sources, we come across the name Allan Kardec. Allan Kardec founded experimental spiritualism in France in the 19th century. This trend is also called spiritualism. Spiritism believes in a semi-material structure that they call perispri. According to them, this structure provides the connection between the soul and the body. Spiritism also believes in reincarnation and is seen as a religious belief system rather than a philosophy.

Spiritualism’s belief and thought structure:

Spiritualism forms a broad roof that includes many religious, mystical and philosophical structures. Spiritism forms the religious structure of this framework, while different ideas such as idealism constitute the philosophical structure of this framework. The common belief of all these schools and groups, which can be grouped under the heading of spiritualism, is the existence of the soul, even though they often have conflicting beliefs.

Spiritualism is actually a monotheistic concept that also exists in other religions. Almost all religious beliefs say that there is a soul and that the soul will continue to exist even after the body dies. From this point of view, we can say that spiritualism is a way religious groups use to reach God.

Of course, in some cases, general spiritualist ideas and religious beliefs contradict each other. Some spiritualist groups believe in reincarnation, that is, the soul comes to the world again and again and enters different bodies. This belief is not suitable for monotheistic religions.

A similar situation occurs with the invocations that made spiritualism famous in the United States. Ouija sessions, which are also the subject of numerous show programs, are actually contrary to a large part of religious beliefs, but a large part of those who conduct such sessions are Christians.

In some sources, spiritualism is mentioned as the opposite of materialism. It is also known that some spiritualists completely turn their backs on the material world we live in and devote themselves to the spiritual realm. To sum up, the only common point that comes to mind when we say spiritualism is belief in the soul. Other details vary between groups and schools that believe in spiritualism.

The seven key features of spiritualism are:

  • Prayer, belief in god and understanding god
  • Trying to recognize, know and understand
  • belief in spirituality
  • to feel, to think broadly and to be tolerant
  • Trying to perceive the external environment correctly by being aware of the world and oneself
  • Being respectful and considerate
  • Keep calm and meditate

According to philosophers, these are the seven basic features of spiritualism. In line with these features, a person can grasp the importance and logic of life and capture the spirituality in him. This is why psychologists say that the basic idea of ​​spiritualism is to turn to spirituality. The different view expresses spiritualism as the perception that there is only one truth. So the basis of monotheism is spiritualism.

Who are the representatives of spiritualism?

  • Bedri Ruhselman

Since there are countless schools and groups gathered under the roof of spiritualism, it is not possible to define the representatives of spiritualism as follows. Plato, Pythagoras, idealist philosophers who came after him, Allan Kardec, the founder of spiritism, and names such as Bedri Ruhselman in our country can be accepted as representatives of spiritualism.

Is it possible to summon spirits with spiritualism?

According to many religious beliefs, spirits do not die and continue to exist. Spiritualism also believes in this. However, contrary to monotheistic religions, some spiritualists believe in reincarnation and invocation. Especially in the 19th century USA, most of the Ouija sessions, which saw their peak, are shows consisting of optical illusions. Even the famous illusionist Harry Houdini made these shows. Putting aside the belief part, séances constitute a radical aspect of spiritualism.

We talked about the details you need to know by answering questions such as what is spiritualism, the philosophical approach that believes there is a spiritual realm and soul, much more than the material world we live in, what it believes in, and who its representatives are. You can share your thoughts about spiritualism in the comments.

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