The 5 Most Expensive NFT Tokens to Ever Sell!

Have you ever wondered about the world's most expensive NFT token projects and how much they are worth? Here are the details...
 The 5 Most Expensive NFT Tokens to Ever Sell!
READING NOW The 5 Most Expensive NFT Tokens to Ever Sell!

The NFT industry continues to evolve. The diversity and ownership provided by NFT token projects are also transforming the way we perceive the world. One of the keys to the rise of NFTs has been the staggering amount of money spent buying them. The demand for NFT collections has steadily increased their value. Likewise, influential communities with large amounts of crypto to invest in continue to play an important role in the NFT boom. Have you ever wondered what the world’s most expensive NFT is worth? As, we have reviewed the 5 most expensive NFT token projects that have ever sold out.

5-Pixel avatar: ”CryptoPunk #5822” — ($23.7 million)

One of Larva Labs’ pixelated avatars they call “Punks.” CryptoPunks are pioneers of NFT token projects. This NFT also represents one of the first prolific NFT collections and is one of the rarest Cryptopunks out there.

Punk has been acquired by Deepal Thaplial, CEO of blockchain startup ‘Chain’. This punk is one of nine aliens in the 10,000 NFT collection. He is also one of the 333 people who wear bandanas.

4-A work of art, both physical and digital: “Beeple’s HUMAN ONE — $28,985m

Human One, bearing the signature of Beeple, is the most different member of this list. Human One, a video installation featuring an astronaut-like figure advancing in a dystopian universe, consists of a giant seven-metre LED screen.

This aluminum and wooden framed screen can be viewed from all four sides. This work of art, defined as “both physical and digital”, has a hybridized design. The images on the LED screen are constantly changing and are randomly selected from the videos on the Ethereum blockchain. In this way, it can be constantly updated and thus becomes “unique”. With Human One, we can say that Beeple wanted to create something truly unique and it succeeded.

3- A big symbol: “Clock” ($52.7 million)

Each of the world’s most expensive NFT token projects represents something important. Just like the project called “Clock”… “Clock” is a work created by Pak and Julian Assange and counts the days when WikiLeaks founder Assange was imprisoned.

Assange is a powerful symbol and personifies something that people around the world hold highly valued. This NFT raised money for Assange’s legal defense and was eventually acquired by AssangeDAO, a group of over 10,000 people who pooled their money to buy NFT and support Assange.

2- The most expensive NFT token with a single owner: ”Everydays: the First 5000 Days” ($69.3 million)

Beeple, also known as Mike Winkleman, created this life-changing piece of art. It sold for $69 million at Christie’s auction in October 2021. This work has been hailed as “the next chapter in art history” and Beeple has been called “one of the most valuable artists alive.”

This was the first all-digital artwork to be offered by a major auction house, representing 5000 pieces of Beeple’s work in collage form. At the same time, this NFT token is the most expensive artifact ever sold to a single owner. This work is currently in its 14th year.

1- The most expensive NFT token project in the world: ”The Merge” (91.8 million dollars)

Anonymous digital artist Pak’s work The Merge was sold on Nifty Gateway for 91.8 million dollars and 28,983 collectors collected a total of 312,686 units… The concept of this artwork is based on smart contract, a special ‘merge’ function allowed buyers to buy mass pieces and combine multiple pieces to create a larger mass.

Each unit sold at auction for between $25 and $575. Eventually, the NFTs were sold for a total of $91.8 million. This made it the most expensive NFT token project in the world!

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