New Eye Damages of Cigarette Smoke Revealed

A new study has revealed that cigarette smoke damages the cornea, causing many eye problems. According to the research, which reveals that smoke can cause cataracts and even blindness over time, this damage is also caused by the smoke from electronic cigarettes.
 New Eye Damages of Cigarette Smoke Revealed
READING NOW New Eye Damages of Cigarette Smoke Revealed

We all know the direct effects of smoking on the lungs. This product, which is found to be very inconvenient by scientists, indirectly affects almost every part of our body. For example, deterioration of the skin, problems with the heart and sometimes psychological problems can be shown. No matter how many of these side harms are, researches do not get tired of revealing new ones. Let’s talk about the harm of smoking that we haven’t talked about before.

Cigarette smoke kills corneal cells when it comes into contact with the eye, according to a new study. When this contact is constantly experienced, many eye-related health problems can occur, from eye deterioration, cataracts and even blindness. The newly learned part of the job is the effect on the cornea and this increases the risk of blindness.

E-cigarettes have the same effect:

It was previously known that smoking affects parts of the inner part of the eye, such as the optic nerves, retina and lens. It is also possible that this effect can cause macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts. The new research revealed that when the smoke directly touches the cornea, it kills the cells there. There was a significant loss of corneal cells exposed to nicotine-containing and non-nicotine cigarettes and electronic cigarette smoke in the laboratory environment. Although the loss caused by real cigarette smoke is greater than that of electronic cigarettes, the researchers; He noted that electronic cigarettes also have considerable damage to the eyes.

Since the experiments were performed on corneal cell cultures rather than real human eyes, it was not possible to determine how long this damage could cause various ailments. However, it is clear which diseases cause the loss of these cells, regardless of the duration. Dilek Altinörs, an ophthalmologist who was not involved in the research, also commented on the research and mentioned that the eye will be vulnerable to these ailments if the lipids in the cornea are damaged. Wataru Otsu, from Gifu Pharmaceutical University in Japan who led the research, said the research will move to animal experiments to link eye problems.

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