How Is Anger Control Provided? – Webtekno

We are human, we have feelings. Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we get sad, sometimes we get angry. This is natural, but if we can't control our anger, we can hurt ourselves and others. In order to avoid such bad situations, let's look at how anger control can be achieved through the eyes of scientists.
 How Is Anger Control Provided?  – Webtekno
READING NOW How Is Anger Control Provided? – Webtekno

Everyone wants to laugh, love, be loved, but we are human; Sometimes we can feel sad and angry. Don’t worry, this is completely natural; if you can check it of course. Although anger control disorder is a common disorder, those who cannot control their anger does not mean they are uncomfortable. Because sometimes we have problems just because we don’t know how to control anger.

Of course, we have to include some clichés such as take a deep breath because it is an article that we convey through the eyes of science, but rest assured, you have not even heard of many of the anger control methods we will explain. Some may even sound a little experimental, but don’t get angry, give it a try. Let’s take a closer look at everything you need to know about anger and see the most effective anger management methods.

First, let’s understand the situation well; What is anger?

Expert psychologist Charles Spielberger defines anger as an emotional state that varies in intensity from person to person. Like many emotional states, some physiological reactions occur with anger. Such as the acceleration of the heartbeat, the increase in blood pressure, the secretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones.

Well, why do we get angry?

Be sure, if we start counting the reasons for anger right now, we can count for days and nights, but we still cannot finish it because the reason for anger is completely personal. Of course, we normally get angry in traffic jams, when a plan is canceled, when the team we support loses, or when a trauma that is just unique to us recurs.

The causes of anger are divided into two as internal and external events, but they are not completely separated. Because even an external event triggers your inner event is unique to you and should be evaluated together. For example, in heavy traffic, someone may be angry because he will go home late, while someone else may become even more angry because he goes home late, thinking that he will fight with his wife.

Not to mention anger, there are types:

  • inner anger
  • external anger
  • passive anger

Inner anger:

What happened, the type of anger that we are surprised by suddenly getting angry is inner anger. The cause of inner anger is generally self-talk or negative thoughts in which the person is drowning. The person often does not show his inner anger outward and punishes himself. He may stop doing the things he enjoys, and may even isolate himself from things like eating and drinking water.

External anger:

Here is a type of anger that we all see and often experience, external anger. Even if external anger arises due to many different reasons, it is clearly seen from the outside. A person experiencing external anger may shout, curse, or even physically attack.

Passive anger:

We’re sure everyone remembers a few ex-girlfriends. Passive anger manifests itself as passive-aggressive behavior. The person is angry about something but does not express it openly. He may act sarcastically, look down on him, slur, or sulk and sit smugly in a corner.

Here comes the awaited moment; Here are some of the most effective methods you can use for anger management:

  • Think ten, speak once.
  • Express your thoughts calmly.
  • Get some exercise.
  • Take a little break.
  • Don’t blame the other party.
  • Bury your grudge.
  • Make some jokes.
  • Take a deep breath.
  • Do not hesitate to get help.

Think ten, speak once:

In times of anger, many people start to talk much more, and as our speaking rate increases, we think less. Be sure to say such words without thinking, sometimes there is no turning back. Therefore, when you feel anger, instead of talking too much, keep quiet and think, so that what you say will be much more coherent.

Express your thoughts calmly:

Sometimes we think that we will get much more effective results when we speak by shouting or swearing, but let’s face it, such a thing is not possible. You’re angry, it’s normal, but don’t bring it out as yelling. Verbally say that you are angry, that your patience has run out. If the other person is also a human being, rest assured that your anger will subside.

Get some exercise:

Yes, it may seem like slamming the door during a fight, but say it first. When we get angry, going for a short walk or lifting weights at home a few times, if any, will definitely reduce your current stress. Especially if you make this exercise event regular, your general anger problems will be alleviated.

Take a little break:

Sometimes we can get angry when we focus on a task that has become unmanageable. If you stubbornly continue to do that job, the intensity of your anger will increase. Take a break instead. For example, drink your coffee outside or in a different room, not at work. In the meantime, listen to some music or browse social media. Everyone needs a little distraction.

Do not blame the other party:

Think of all those words you said in anger, “You did this, you did that, you are that!” Okay, you blew out your anger, but you ruined a handful of figs. Instead, make sentences that start with ‘I’, especially in times of anger. Just starting the sentence with this subject will make your sentence lighter. Even if your anger does not subside, you will have offended the other side less.

Bury your grudge:

If psychology has a constitution, make sure its first article is ‘Don’t be spiteful.’ would be. Because such an obsessive mood is of no use to the hater or the hater. Especially if you have to constantly talk to this person you hold a grudge, things get out of hand and anger turns into a bullet waiting at the end of the barrel. So give up bro, you’re going crazy.

Make some jokes:

We know it sounds like an American movie cliche, but rest assured it’s an incredibly effective method. Let’s admit it, even in our most angry moments, something funny comes to our mind. Tell it to go. Of course, don’t joke with the guy you’re fighting with in traffic, but especially in angry arguments with family and friends, a little joke will blow everything up like soap bubbles.

Take a deep breath:

Yes, it’s cliche but true. A deep breath of anger will calm you down. But don’t just wait to get angry to breathe effectively. There is even a profession called breath coaching. You can find countless videos and articles published by experts in this business. If you learn to breathe effectively and quit smoking, anger will be an emotion far away from you.

Do not hesitate to get help:

If you have read what has been written up to this point with a half-mouthed smile, brother, we are sorry, but you will not benefit from us. Now is the time to meet with a specialist psychologist. Because, unfortunately, there may be much deeper problems underlying some people’s anger problems.

We answered the question of how to control anger, which can get us in trouble even though it is a natural feeling. What we describe is for informational purposes only. If you think you have an anger control problem and cannot control it, you should definitely seek help from a specialist psychologist.

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