FIFA 23’s ‘World Cup’ Mode Leaked [Video]

FIFA 23's World Cup mode, which will feature special events for the 2022 Qatar World Cup, has been leaked due to EA's big mistake. Players began to access the menu of the game mode.
 FIFA 23’s ‘World Cup’ Mode Leaked [Video]
READING NOW FIFA 23’s ‘World Cup’ Mode Leaked [Video]

FIFA 23, which hosted a major error before its release on September 26, was opened to players’ early access a month ago. Although the error was fixed by EA in a short time, it caused a lot of talk about EA. Today, EA has come to the fore with a new big mistake.

While it is known that a special mode for FIFA 23 has been developed for the 2022 World Cup, which will start on November 21, this mode has been made available to players due to a critical error of EA. Gamers got the opportunity to preview a lot of content that we shouldn’t see in a few more weeks.

FIFA 23 World Cup mode:

As a result of the error, which was stated to be available to PlayStation 5 users, FIFA 23’s World Cup mode became accessible. The mod’s menu and team lists have been revealed. According to the shared information, the game mode will host a total of 48 teams. In other words, the number of teams will be 16 more than the number of teams in the World Cup. It is not known which teams these extra teams will be.

Games? Yes, games!

The World Cup menu, which was opened due to the error, included four different game modes. These game modes were named FIFA World Cup Live, FIFA World Cup Kick-Off, Online Tournament and FIFA World Cup 2022.

So when does the FIFA 23 World Cup mode come out?

No date has been shared by EA for FIFA 23’s World Cup mode. The real World Cup will start on Sunday, November 20, 2022.

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