Can Artificial Intelligence Change the Education System?

One of the most important agenda items of the last period and possibly the coming years; artificial intelligence. We talk about its effects on every field you can think of; Will it take away our jobs, become smarter than us, doom us, make our lives easier than ever before and solve our biggest problems? For example, the education system…
 Can Artificial Intelligence Change the Education System?
READING NOW Can Artificial Intelligence Change the Education System?

Although different ‘systems’ are valid all over the world, the basis of today’s education system is common; an educator and students come together, the educator teaches, the student learns, assignments are given, exams are given and the student’s ‘how much he has learned’ is tested.

Recently, some cracks have started to appear in this simple system that is open to criticism in many ways. Because artificial intelligence supported applications and software such as ChatGPT started to do homework and even take exams instead of students. To be honest, they’re pretty good at it.

Has artificial intelligence become an advantage in education or a new ‘bogeyman’ to be feared?

After the recent rapid development and increasing popularity of artificial intelligence software, its effects on education have naturally been opened to discussion.

After the events such as students’ preparing their homework through artificial intelligence supported applications, using these software in exams, and ChatGPT passing the written exams of departments such as law, business, and medicine one after another, the discussions grew so much that bans began to come. However, in the face of these bans, there are those who think that we can use artificial intelligence as a support element in education as in every field.

We asked some questions to the educators in order to get an answer to this issue, which has also created a controversy in our country;

Would you accept the data obtained from artificial intelligence software such as ChatGPT, DALL-E, Midjourney for an assignment/project, could you summarize your answer with its justifications and conditions?

Dr. Onur Akşit / Ege University Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture Department of Visual Communication Design: ”I can accept. The aforementioned artificial intelligences give better answers according to the commands, expressions and questions you give them. In other words, being able to use them well and appropriately requires training and skill. I can accept their assignments or projects according to an assessment system that measures whether students have these qualifications (with their reports containing the whole process).”

Vedat Ersin Ceviz / Computer Teacher: “Of course I would agree because I no longer argue that neither the questions we ask in the written text nor the assignments we give should be purely information seeking. Instead of supporting the rote approach, I aim to see the open-ended, interpretation-based and unique approach of the student in the studies. In addition, I can clearly deduce how much you understand the subject in written texts. For this reason, it is important for him to use these software in order to create an outline in his mind. The approach and inferences that this draft builds on can lead us teachers to the targeted achievement more quickly.”

Elif Türkan / Mathematics Teacher: ”This situation changes according to the purpose of the students’ homework. Because in a project that aims to teach the student how to access information, the student’s researching these software and completing the project by using artificial intelligence and therefore technology creates an active learning environment; enables the project to be achieved. On the other hand, if the aim of the project is to reinforce the gains that require practical mental skills such as calculations, it should not be used because it pushes the student to the ready.

Would you like your students to prepare for exams with software such as ChatGPT and to use artificial intelligence-supported software for the evaluation of exams?

Onur Akşit: “ChatGPT can be used almost like Google. So they can use it for preparation. About the assessment, I would say yes because the classrooms are getting more and more crowded. Artificial intelligence supported software can make our job much easier.”

Vedat Ersin Ceviz: “I strongly support the use of artificial intelligence supported software in exam evaluation. Because we have too many students, it will save you from processes that require a lot of effort, such as following students and evaluating their previous achievements in themselves and according to other students. On the basis of students, it is very important to establish the connection between the information they have learned. Information can be memorized, but it is through these links that it acquires exactly where it should be used. It is our duty as teachers to create these connections in the student. But outside of school and while preparing for the exam, they can create these connections with the help of artificial intelligence. Will he be as successful as the teacher is a matter of discussion 🙂 Because the teacher knows his student better than artificial intelligence software.”

Elif Türkan: “My support. I think it will be beneficial for the distance education process, especially in terms of preparing for the exam. Frankly, I’m not sure about its use in exam evaluation. It may/may not be preferred according to the measurement and evaluation method. Because in an open-ended question, it is necessary to know the student in order to examine and score where and why the student made a mistake, but artificial intelligence cannot provide us with these analyzes. And since there cannot be a single correct answer in the interpretation questions, I think that it should not be used in the evaluation of such a measurement.”

What do you think about the active use of artificial intelligence software by both students and teachers by integrating them into educational processes?

Onur Akşit: “It seems that it will not be possible to ignore and not use artificial intelligence in the near future. However, it is absolutely necessary to make students adopt the use of it in accordance with educational ethics. I think we should see technology not as a subject that will take away our work, our life, our way of thinking, but as a subject that will make our life easier. Of course, making him such a subject also requires understanding and struggle.”

Veysel Ersin Ceviz: ”Instead of information flow in lessons, teachers can use these software as a partner. In this way, students will be taught how to communicate with artificial intelligence and how to use them in education. Students can also carry out their studies at home in partnership with a private tutor, just as if they were in a one-on-one study. I see the use of artificial intelligence as a tool to increase creativity and efficiency rather than a threat in general.”

Elif Türkan: “Of course, today’s understanding of education can contribute to the permanent learning of the student, since it is a learning-by-experimental-student-centered approach. Artificial intelligence software can save time, effort and money depending on the gain described for the teacher.

We asked the same questions to ChatGPT;

Since his answers are quite long, we have taken the ‘summary’ part at the end of the answers.

Do you think teachers should accept data obtained from artificial intelligence software such as ChatGPT, DALL-E, Midjourney for an assignment/project, can you summarize the answer with its justifications and conditions?

“Artificial intelligence data can help teachers monitor their students’ learning, but it must be accurate and reliable, take into account students’ learning styles and needs, and be used only as a tool.”

Do you think it would be right for students to prepare for exams with software such as ChatGPT and for teachers to use artificial intelligence-supported software for issues such as the evaluation of exams?

“AI-powered software may have some advantages in students’ learning and preparing for exams, but it also has some worrying aspects and these aspects are important to consider. Therefore, the use of AI-supported software can be used as a tool in the learning process of students, but it is also important for teachers to interact directly with students and give quizzes that reflect students’ real learning skills.

How do you view the integration of artificial intelligence software into educational processes and the active use of both students and teachers?

“While the use of artificial intelligence software in education yields positive results when properly designed and used, teachers and educators need to consider and use it carefully.”

In conclusion;

Artificial intelligence is not a choice for our future, it is a reality we cannot refuse. It seems inevitable that artificial intelligence supported software will be integrated into the education system in the coming years. In order for this to happen, both our educators and students need to be made aware of this issue. Both the educators we consulted and the artificial intelligence itself tell us this.

Instead of trying to understand what technology brings and take advantage of it, ignoring it and vilifying it is the worst move that can be made when we think about the age we live in. However, it is the same with leading it to spread uncontrollably and unconsciously. It is our greatest wish that the consciousness of building a future together where balance will be established and artificial intelligence can be used for benefit as a support element will be formed as soon as possible.

We would like to thank all our educators who shared their valuable ideas to support the content. We welcome your thoughts on this subject in the comments! Happy reading…

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