Pantera Capital CEO Says Crypto Could Be The Only Safe Asset Class

Pantera Capital CEO Dan Morehead says crypto may be the only safe asset class investors can turn to during the next economic crisis.
 Pantera Capital CEO Says Crypto Could Be The Only Safe Asset Class
READING NOW Pantera Capital CEO Says Crypto Could Be The Only Safe Asset Class

Pantera Capital CEO Dan Morehead said that crypto may be the only safe asset class investors can turn to during the next economic crisis.

Speaking on the YouTube channel Bankless, Morehead explained why he thinks cryptocurrencies can act as a lifesaver during financial chaos.

“I am largely optimistic about crypto right now. I think the most important reason for this is that the number of people entering the crypto industry has been much higher in the last 10 years. I think only smart people understand the importance of crypto.

There is nowhere to hide from the crisis. I think everything except crypto will really be affected”

Morehead stressed that crypto markets will prove to have an unparalleled resilience to tightening monetary policy. Morehead says that unlike bonds, real estate, and stocks, crypto assets will not be affected by the rising interest rates that most market participants are already expecting.

The crypto investor says that an asset like Bitcoin (BTC) should remain indifferent to changes in interest rates.

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