OpenSea, whose former manager was accused of fraud: “We didn’t know”

OpenSea made a statement about its former manager Kevin Pawlak being linked to a $60 million fraud.
 OpenSea, whose former manager was accused of fraud: “We didn’t know”
READING NOW OpenSea, whose former manager was accused of fraud: “We didn’t know”

OpenSea made a statement about its former manager Kevin Pawlak being linked to a $60 million fraud.

On October 6, an anonymous X account named NFT Ethics tagged OpenSea and claimed fraud. NFT Ethics reported that Kevin Pawlak, head of ventures at OpenSea, was involved in a $60 million fraud in 2021. Kevin Pawlak used the alias 0xSisyphus and appeared in the AnubisDAO rug pull.

Making a statement on the issue, OpenSea stated that it was not aware that its former manager Pawlak was involved in such an incident.

Fraud allegations and OpenSea

The anonymous account called NFT Ethics on the X platform shared details about the AnubisDAO rug pull. The focus of the anonymous account was Kevin Pawlak, one of the names involved in the fraud. The reason why Pawlak stood out was that he served as a manager at OpenSea in 2021.

NFT Ethics and Lookonchain claimed that Pawlak played a key role in introducing AnubisDAO, which led to a multimillion-dollar fraud. Pawlak took part in meeting investors with AnubisDAO. Additionally, according to NFT Ethics, Pawlak used PEPE to launder proceeds generated through AnubisDAO.

OpenSea, which is at the center of all these allegations, felt the need to make a statement about its former employee Pawlak. OpenSea stated that it was not aware of Pawlak’s involvement in such activities. OpenSea also announced that Pawlak had limited authority while he worked at the company.

In its statements on the subject, OpenSea said;

Kevin is a former employee who left the company in June 2023. He had limited scope at OpenSea, where he worked in a non-management position. We do not have any information regarding his involvement in these projects.

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