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  • iPhone 17 could be the first model to use Apple’s 5G modem

iPhone 17 could be the first model to use Apple’s 5G modem

It was known that Apple had been planning to produce its own modem for more than five years, and that it purchased the majority of Intel's smartphone modem business in 2019. According to the famous analyst, Apple will no longer buy modems from Qualcomm by 2025; own ...
 iPhone 17 could be the first model to use Apple’s 5G modem
READING NOW iPhone 17 could be the first model to use Apple’s 5G modem
It was known that Apple had been planning to produce its own modem for more than five years, and that it purchased the majority of Intel’s smartphone modem business in 2019. According to the famous analyst, Apple will no longer buy modems from Qualcomm by 2025; will include modems designed by itself in their phones.

2025 iPhones will use Apple 5G modem

In July, it was reported that the mass production of the 4th generation iPhone SE was postponed until 2025, so it may be the first iPhone to use the 5G modem designed by Apple. Apple’s transition to its own modem can be with the new iPhone SE or with the iPhone 17. To be precise, the iPhone 15, which will be introduced on September 12, and the iPhone 16 next year will continue to use Qualcomm’s modems.

There is no information about Apple’s 5G modems yet; It is unknown what improvements and benefits it will bring compared to Qualcomm’s 5G chips. Apple is reportedly considering combining wireless and cellular chips to save manufacturing costs and improve power efficiency.

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