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3 Intelligent Products to Resolve the 3 Biggest Problems of Pet Owners

Everyone who shares their home with pets has some problems in common: food, water, fresh air. We have three great suggestions to solve these three problems!
 3 Intelligent Products to Resolve the 3 Biggest Problems of Pet Owners
READING NOW 3 Intelligent Products to Resolve the 3 Biggest Problems of Pet Owners

“Let’s not be left without food during the day or while we are away from home”, “Let the water not be full of bacteria, always fresh”, “The smell from the sand and the toilet should not fill the whole house”… I think everyone who lives with their pets secretly uses these sentences. it dries up frequently.

Fortunately, the answer to these concerns is now hidden in smart products at our fingertips, thanks to technology. However, as you can imagine, as the number of options increases, it gets harder and harder to find the best one and the one that makes sense to buy.

Let’s start with the mother question;

Unfortunately, when we are not at home, our cat or dog goes hungry for a while. Although we do not worry about this on a daily basis, especially when we cannot be at home for a few days, the process of giving food turns into a big problem. We often seek help from a partner. But for both cats and dogs, regular nutrition during the day is extremely important.

At this point, smart food containers come to our rescue. Bilicra’s smart pet feeder called Feed Me is one of the best options you can come across:

The reason is that in addition to presenting everything you would expect from such a product, over time, some minor problems that have emerged with experience in such products have been solved. Bilicra Feed Me has a very large 3.7 liter food capacity, provides remote control with the application, provides minute-by-minute feeding with the meal programming feature, and has voice control support.

Besides, a great solution has been developed to a common problem with such products, such as food or any object getting stuck; Thanks to the “Mama Anti-Squeeze Wheel”, the product works flawlessly in all conditions and does not allow any mishaps.

In addition, an invisible powerbank compartment and connection has been added to the design so that it can continue to work in case of power failure. This ensures that your pet eats its food on time under all conditions. When the food level is low, Feed Me notifies you and it becomes much easier to follow the food.

Fresh and clean water is also very important for the health of animals;

Would you like to drink water that has been in a glass for a few hours? Or a water filled with feathers and dust? I think everyone has the same answer. This is also true for cats and dogs. They want the water they drink to be fresh and clean. This is for their health as well.

But clean and freshen the water containers as often as you want, you have witnessed a lot of dust and fluff getting into them before you turn your back.

In addition, as with food, serious problems may occur in the scenario where you are not at home during the day or for a few days… Being dehydrated causes serious health problems in pets and must be strictly followed.

Bilicra’s smart water dispenser, Hydra, eliminates all your problems in this regard;

Thanks to its 2-liter capacity, Hydra provides a long-lasting water source for your pet, and keeps the water of our little friends clean with ultraviolet fluorescent lamps. With UVC technology, it destroys 99.7% of the bacteria in the water.

In addition, thanks to the three-stage filtration process, your pet is provided with clean water that is free of everything from hair and dust to harmful ions.

You can instantly monitor the water change, filter change and water pump cleaning status of Hydra, which you can control over the application. These exchanges are very simple.

Finally, for both their and our health; clean and odorless air is also critical;

Although we pay attention to its cleanliness and it does not reach very disturbing dimensions, especially cat litter and dog toilets create an odor in the house. In addition, the fact that the toilets are open in most scenarios in the house also causes the formation of bacteria. This is a situation that can put both our little friends and our health at risk.

Aura smart deodorizer both cleans the air and reduces odor to zero;

Aura smart odor remover, which has a very minimal design, purifies the air from both bad odors and bacteria thanks to its ozone technology and smart motion sensors.

Aura, which can reach every corner of the room with its three-way air oscillation, not only cleans the odor in a wide area, but also destroys 99.9% of the bacteria in the environment. All you have to do is place the Aura 10-15 cm away from the center of smell…

Thanks to its timer and long battery life, you don’t have to worry about bad odor and air pollution for a long time.

Let’s take a closer look at the technical features of Aura, Hydra and Feed Me;

Product/Feature aura hydra Feed Me
Material ABS ABS ABS
Dimension 99.6× 51.7× 41.5mm 210x185x183mm 230x246x352 mm
Weight 153 g 1260 g 2092 g
Battery 2200mAh. lithium
Storage 2 liters 3.7 liters
Connection Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz) Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz)

When you order Feed Me or Hydra from online platforms between 20 June – 15 July, there is an Aura gift at the first purchase. If you want to take a closer look at these three products, take a closer look at their technical features, and buy the products by taking advantage of the campaign, you can visit the website by clicking here.

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